I've been enjoying my journey down the path of functional languages. I started with Clojure, than looked at Erlang, and now I am back at Clojure again. This post does not try to explain why you should look at functional languages, I assume you passed that since you're reading this blog post.
The books will teach you the basic concepts. Those ideas vanish fast unless I practice them with a project or some kind of challenge. Programming quizzes or coding puzzles are a good way to exercise a new language. I usually start with the simple ones, and I work my way towards the more complex projects. The FizzBuzz kata is on the easier side, I was even asked to code it on a white board not too long ago.
Here is how I solved the FizzBuzz kata in Clojure test driving it with its own test-is tool. I describe every changes I made, feel free to follow along by typing in the way I did it.
I'll assume you have Clojure and Leiningen installed on your computer. Getting these tools is simple thanks to Homebrew on OSX. Please do a Google search if you don't have them already installed and you're using an OS other than OSX. I am using Clojure 1.5.1 version at the time of this writing.
I generated a skeleton project with Leiningen:lein new app fizzbuzz
. The directory structure had a src
and a test
directory. lein test
runs the tests and lein run
executes the program.
I put all my code in the src/fizzbuzz/core.clj
and in the test/fizzbuzz/core_test.clj
files. I write code in Vim, and I use a vertical split to look at the test and program files in the same window. I usually have the test on the left, and the code under test on the right hand side.
Here is the first failing test I wrote:
(ns fizzbuzz.core-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [fizzbuzz.core :refer :all])) (deftest fizz-buzz-printer-test (testing "with 1" (is (= "1\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 1)))))I provided the skeleton for the
function this way:
(ns fizzbuzz.core (:gen-class)) (defn fizz-buzz-printer [limit]) (defn -main "I don't do a whole lot ... yet." [& args] ;; work around dangerous default behaviour in Clojure (alter-var-root #'*read-eval* (constantly false)) (println "Hello, World!"))When I ran the test with
lein test
, this is the error I had:
FAIL in (fizz-buzz-printer-test) (core_test.clj:7)
with 1
expected: (= "1\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 1))
(not (= 1
Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
1 failures, 0 errors.
Tests failed.
The simplest thing that could possibly work is this:
(ns fizzbuzz.core (:gen-class)) (defn fizz-buzz-printer [limit] "1\n") ...Please note that I omitted the
function as it's not changed yet. I ran the tests, and it all passed:
Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
Great! Now I am on to the next test:
... (deftest fizz-buzz-printer-test (testing "with 1" (is (= "1\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 1)))) (testing "with 2" (is (= "1\n2\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 2)))))The following code change made the test pass:
... (defn fizz-buzz-printer [limit] (if (= 2 limit) "1\n2\n" "1\n")) ...A conditional won't serve me long to print out numbers. I refactored the function this way:
... (defn fizz-buzz-printer ([output current limit] (let [product (str output current "\n")] (if (< current limit) (fizz-buzz-printer product (+ 1 current) limit) product))) ([limit] (fizz-buzz-printer "" 1 limit))) ...This might need a little explanation. I chose recursion instead of using a loop. The
function is overloaded: it accepts 1 (the limit) or 3 arguments (the output, current value and limit). The formatted string is captured in the product
value. If the current value in the cycle is less than the limit I call the same function but the current value is incremented by one, and if not, I know I reached the limit and just return the formatted string - the product.
With this code I should be able to print the numbers on the screen followed by a line break. I wrote a quick - temporary - test to verify that (see the last assert):
... (deftest fizz-buzz-printer-test (testing "with 1" (is (= "1\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 1)))) (testing "with 2" (is (= "1\n2\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 2)))) (testing "with 4" (is (= "1\n2\n3\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4)))))
I was ready for the fun part of this kata! For every number divisible by 3 I had to print out the word: "Fizz".
First I wrote the failing test:
... (deftest fizz-buzz-printer-test (testing "with 1" (is (= "1\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 1)))) (testing "with 2" (is (= "1\n2\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 2)))) (testing "from 1-3" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3)))))The error was obvious:
FAIL in (fizz-buzz-printer-test) (core_test.clj:11)
from 1-3
expected: (= "1\n2\nFizz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3))
actual: (not (= "1\n2\nFizz\n" "1\n2\n3\n"))
Ran 1 tests containing 3 assertions.
1 failures, 0 errors.
Tests failed.
I was expecting the word Fizz
, but I was getting the number 3. That logic was missing. Here is how I added that:
... (defn fizz-buzz-printer ([output current limit] (let [product (if (= 3 current) (str output "Fizz\n") (str output current "\n"))] (if (< current limit) (fizz-buzz-printer product (+ 1 current) limit) product))) ([limit] (fizz-buzz-printer "" 1 limit))) ...I felt generating the formatted string - the product value - put way too much logic in the let function. I extracted out that logic into its own function called
... (defn- format-output [output current] (if (= 3 current) (str output "Fizz\n") (str output current "\n"))) (defn fizz-buzz-printer ([output current limit] (let [product (format-output output current)] (if (< current limit) (fizz-buzz-printer product (+ 1 current) limit) product))) ([limit] (fizz-buzz-printer "" 1 limit))) ...The function
is private, it's only visible within its own namespace thanks to declaring it with defn-.The increased complexity in the let function triggered the "extract function" refactoring. I felt the
function should be responsible for deciding if it has to print the number or the words "Fizz", "Buzz" or "FizzBuzz".
The next test was simple, I wanted to make sure the logic worked from zero to four. I did not have to modify the code for it:
... (deftest fizz-buzz-printer-test (testing "with 1" (is (= "1\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 1)))) (testing "with 2" (is (= "1\n2\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 2)))) (testing "from 1-3" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3)))) (testing "from 1-4" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4)))))I reached a point with my tests where I had to make my code a bit easier to test. I did not want to write tests that compares more than 3 numbers from the
. I felt 3 is a large enough set to verify the boundaries. I added a new test for this:
... (deftest fizz-buzz-printer-test (testing "with 1" (is (= "1\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 1)))) (testing "with 2" (is (= "1\n2\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 2)))) (testing "from 1-3" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3)))) (testing "from 1-4" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4)))) (testing "from 3-4" (is (= "Fizz\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3 4)))))Since I did not have the function override for 2 arguments, the test failed:
ERROR in (fizz-buzz-printer-test) (AFn.java:437)
from 3-4
expected: (= "Fizz\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3 4))
actual: clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (2) passed to: core$fizz-buzz-printer
I added the function override which looked almost identical to the function with one argument:
... (defn fizz-buzz-printer ([output current limit] (let [product (format-output output current)] (if (< current limit) (fizz-buzz-printer product (+ 1 current) limit) product))) ([start limit] (fizz-buzz-printer "" start limit)) ; added function with 2 arguments ([limit] (fizz-buzz-printer "" 1 limit))) ...All the tests passed. However, this code had duplication: the unary function (method with one argument) initialized the output just like the binary function. I decided to remove this duplication by changing the unary function to call the binary function that calls the ternary one.
... (defn fizz-buzz-printer ([output current limit] (let [product (format-output output current)] (if (< current limit) (fizz-buzz-printer product (+ 1 current) limit) product))) ([start limit] (fizz-buzz-printer "" start limit)) ([limit] (fizz-buzz-printer 1 limit))) ; does not initializes the output ...I was now ready to zoom into the ranges where the program had to produce the different words instead of numbers. The next test did just that:
... (deftest fizz-buzz-printer-test (testing "with 1" (is (= "1\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 1)))) (testing "with 2" (is (= "1\n2\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 2)))) (testing "from 1-3" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3)))) (testing "from 1-4" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4)))) (testing "from 3-4" (is (= "Fizz\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3 4)))) (testing "from 4-5" (is (= "4\nBuzz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4 5)))))I did the simplest thing that could possibly work: I used a nested conditional:
... (defn- format-output [output current] (if (= 3 current) (str output "Fizz\n") (if (= 5 current) ; introduced this nested conditional (str output "Buzz\n") (str output current "\n")))) ...Everything passed again, but this code was ugly. Here is how I used cond to refactor it:
... (defn- format-output [output current] (cond (= 3 current) (str output "Fizz\n") (= 5 current) (str output "Buzz\n") :else (str output current "\n"))) ...My next test covered the range from 4-6, where the word "Fizz" should be printed out for the number 6.
... (deftest fizz-buzz-printer-test (testing "with 1" (is (= "1\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 1)))) (testing "with 2" (is (= "1\n2\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 2)))) (testing "from 1-3" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3)))) (testing "from 1-4" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4)))) (testing "from 3-4" (is (= "Fizz\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3 4)))) (testing "from 4-5" (is (= "4\nBuzz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4 5)))) (testing "from 4-6" (is (= "4\nBuzz\nFizz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4 6)))))This test failed again as I was only checking for the number three and not for numbers divisible by three without a remainder. I changed the
function to use the modulus operator:
... (defn- format-output [output current] (cond (= 0 (mod current 3)) (str output "Fizz\n") (= 5 current) (str output "Buzz\n") :else (str output current "\n"))) ...All the tests now passed again.
I suspected the same error at number 10, therefore my next test was around it (between 9 and 11):
... (deftest fizz-buzz-printer-test (testing "with 1" (is (= "1\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 1)))) (testing "with 2" (is (= "1\n2\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 2)))) (testing "from 1-3" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3)))) (testing "from 1-4" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4)))) (testing "from 3-4" (is (= "Fizz\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3 4)))) (testing "from 4-5" (is (= "4\nBuzz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4 5)))) (testing "from 4-6" (is (= "4\nBuzz\nFizz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4 6)))) (testing "from 9-11" (is (= "Fizz\nBuzz\n11\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 9 11)))))The test failed, I received 10 instead of "Buzz", I adjusted the second conditional to use the
function as well:
... (defn- format-output [output current] (cond (= 0 (mod current 3)) (str output "Fizz\n") (= 0 (mod current 5)) (str output "Buzz\n") :else (str output current "\n"))) ...This was great! Now I had to write code for one more scenario: for the numbers divisible by 5 and 3 I had to print the word "FizzBuzz" instead of "Fizz" or "Buzz". My last test did just that:
... (deftest fizz-buzz-printer-test (testing "with 1" (is (= "1\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 1)))) (testing "with 2" (is (= "1\n2\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 2)))) (testing "from 1-3" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3)))) (testing "from 1-4" (is (= "1\n2\nFizz\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4)))) (testing "from 3-4" (is (= "Fizz\n4\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 3 4)))) (testing "from 4-5" (is (= "4\nBuzz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4 5)))) (testing "from 4-6" (is (= "4\nBuzz\nFizz\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 4 6)))) (testing "from 9-11" (is (= "Fizz\nBuzz\n11\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 9 11)))) (testing "from 14-16" (is (= "14\nFizzBuzz\n16\n" (fizz-buzz-printer 14 16)))))The error was what I expected: the program only printed out the word "Fizz" instead of "FizzBuzz". Adding the modulus check for 15 made this last test to pass:
... (defn- format-output [output current] (cond (= 0 (mod current 15)) (str output "FizzBuzz\n") (= 0 (mod current 3)) (str output "Fizz\n") (= 0 (mod current 5)) (str output "Buzz\n") :else (str output current "\n"))) ...All my tests passed!
Ran 1 tests containing 9 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
I also wanted to see the program in action by running it with leain run
. Here is how I changed the main
... (defn -main [& args] ;; work around dangerous default behaviour in Clojure (alter-var-root #'*read-eval* (constantly false)) (print (fizz-buzz-printer 100)))
And that's it! Please take a look at the final solution in this Gist.
Hope you had as much fun reading this as I had preparing it.
Happy New Year everyone!