JavaScript is a neat and powerful language. Sure it has its flaws, but serious software can be developed with it. The way I prefer developing JavaScript applications is by test driving the code with some kind of testing tool. And I am not thinking about hitting the browser's refresh button. No, I mean executing the specs right in the terminal.
I recently started playing with Visionmedia's mocha testing framework. The code is well maintained and the authors are responding fairly fast to pull requests or issues.
I would recommend it as an alternative to Jasmine.
This blog post will show you the first couple of steps you need to take to test drive your JavaScript code with mocha in the CLI. All my instructions are for OS X, but setting it up should be very similar on Linux and (maybe) on Windows as well.
First of all, you need node.js to run JavaScript code in the terminal. You can download the source code and compile it yourself, but I'd recommend using Homebrew and let it do the job for you.
$: brew install node
At the time of this writing my current node version is 0.6.6. You can check your node.js version by running this command:
$: node -v v0.6.6
Next you need node's package management tool (npm). Your version of node may include npm, I list this step here in case it does not. Installing it is super easy, just follow the instructions on their web site and in your terminal.
With these two steps you're ready to roll. Create the project directory, cd into it and start moving in. Create a "src" and a "test" directory. You need to install mocha and should.js as npm packages. Having sinon.js - an excellent spying framework - wouldn't hurt either. Create your spec and source file and you are ready to test drive your app with mocha.
I really wanted to help you - Dear Reader - so I created this shell script to make your life easier. Create a directory, cd into it and run the command below in your terminal:
curl -L | sh
If everything goes OK, you will see this:
create the test directory...
write the package.json file...
install npm packages...
create a sample spec file...
create a sample src file...
run the spec with mocha...
✔ 1 tests complete (1ms)
run the spec with list reporter...
✓ Person should be able to say hello: 1ms
✔ 1 tests complete (2ms)
Let's add one more feature to our Person object. Open up the test/person_spec.js file - it was created by the shell script above - and add the "can say good night" spec:
var should = require('should'); var Person = require(__dirname + '/../src/person'); describe('Person', function() { it('should be able to say hello', function() { var Person = global.theApp.Person(); var personInstance = new Person(); var message = personInstance.sayHelloTo('adomokos'); message.should.equal('Hello, adomokos!'); }); // Add this spec it('can say good night', function() { var Person = global.theApp.Person(); var personInstance = new Person(); var message = personInstance.sayGoodNight(); message.should.equal('Good night!'); }); });
Run the mocha specs with this command:
$: ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha
The error is obvious: the Person object does not yet have the method "sayGoodNight".
✖ 1 of 2 tests failed:
1) Person can say good night:
TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'sayGoodNight'
Let's fix it by adding the missing method to the Person object:
global.theApp = {}; global.theApp.Person = function() { var Person = function() { this.sayHelloTo = function(anotherPerson) { return 'Hello, ' + anotherPerson + '!'; }; // Add this method this.sayGoodNight = function() { return 'Good night!'; }; }; return Person; };
When I run the specs again, they all pass.
✔ 2 tests complete (2ms)
You can try other reporters as well. The "list" reporter will give you the documentation text:
$: ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha -R list
Try the landing reporter, I found its output unexpected but really cool!
$: ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha -R landing
The steps once more:
- Make sure you have node.js installed
- Check for npm as well
- Create your project directory and cd into it
- Run this script $:
curl -L | sh
- Execute the specs with $:
::: Update (01/24/2012):
I asked TJ Holowaychuck, the author of Mocha of what thoughts he had on my blog post. He recommended adding a "test" script to the package.json file making it easier to run the specs. I made that change: npm test
executed in the terminal should run all your specs under the test directory.