It's been almost two weeks since we had our kick-off/planning meeting. We ended up with screen shots - very vague, drawn on a white board - and some stories in Pivotal Tracker. I immediately started to look for css templates. I am not a designer, but I do like simple and clean design. Ended up picking one from
My goal was not to jump into code and create models, database tables and such. I'd like to have a rough HTML prototype that can help us figuring out what we really need. I emphasize HTML, because I want to be able to change it easily. I don't want to have a migration script created when we need to add one more field to a form.
I started out with an index and the user signup page. When I added the confirmation page I quickly realized that I'll have serious duplication unless I do something about it. My header and footer html content was repeated in three HTML files. I know this is only a prototype helping us discovering how our web app should work. But still. Even my prototype code should be DRY-ed up. I badly needed a template solution.
I could have created a skeleton Rails app, but that just seemed too heavy for this purpose.
I remember Matt Otto's (@matthewotto) tweet from late March:
I saw the tweet, I did not really pay attention to it then. But after I created my thrid page and noticed the duplication, I knew I had to find something. I can't recall why I looked at Sinatra a couple of days later, but I was blown away. It is exactly what I needed! I put a simple app together with it and I was convinced: I found my template engine for the prototype!
Here is the only Ruby file I had in my sample app:
# myapp.rb require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' get '/' do 'Hello, World!' end get '/hello/:name' do # matches "GET /hello/foo" and "GET /hello/bar" # params[:name] is 'foo' or 'bar' "Hello #{params[:name]}!" end get '/test' do @data = 'Hello from test!' erb :index end
The first block is executed when you make a request - assuming you run the app locally - to http://localhost:4567. There is no template rendering, you'll only see the string "Hello, World!" in the browser.
Ok, this works, but how could I use this for my templates?
Digging into the Sinatra documentation I found the solution. I had to create the following directory structure:
|- index.erb
|- layout.erb
layout.erb is my template:
<html> <head> <title>Something Test</title> </head> <body> <div id="content"> <%= yield %> </div> <div id="footer"> <hr/> </div> </body> </html>
And index.erb provides the page content:
<div> This is the content: <%= @data %> </div>
Please note that I set the @data variable in the "get '/test'" block.
And that's it. I tell Sinatra to grab the index.erb file and since I have layout.erb it knows it has to render that as a template. There is a whole lot more to Sinatra than this of course. I found the "Sinatra Book" really helpful. I'd recommend taking a look at it if you want to give Sinatra a try.
And that's it. I tell Sinatra to grab the index.erb file and since I have layout.erb it knows it has to render that as a template. There is a whole lot more to Sinatra than this of course. I found the "Sinatra Book" really helpful. I'd recommend taking a look at it if you want to give Sinatra a try.
I used HTML in ERB first, but then Matt Otto tweeted that he went with (HAML) so I started playing with that.
HAML looked cryptic, but once you get the hang of it, it's really simple.
In the end, I started using HAML and SASS for my prototypes, I'll blog about them in my follow-up blog post.
In the end, I started using HAML and SASS for my prototypes, I'll blog about them in my follow-up blog post.